Ariana Grande stands firm on her decisions with new song ‘Absolutely, How About That?’

Ariana Grande’s latest hit song sends a powerful message about staying true to oneself and not conforming to others’ expectations. After a three-year break from releasing solo music, the pop superstar has returned with a fresh new single titled “Yes, And?”. The song, which dropped on Jan. 12, has already captured fans’ attention with its retro Madonna-inspired vibe and ’80s disco theme, not to mention its unapologetically bold attitude. In the song, Grande addresses the universal issue of feeling exhausted, setting the tone for what is rumored to be her upcoming seventh studio album.

If you haven’t noticed yet, everyone is feeling exhausted and trying to recover from someone or something that’s not quite clear. The advice given is simple: Ignore the negative people. So, put on your lipstick confidently (ignore the naysayers), walk through challenges with determination (don’t worry about what others think), and when faced with a tough situation, shine your light and respond confidently with a ‘yes, and?’ attitude. Be bold, be your own best supporter, and keep moving forward with a ‘what’s next?’ mindset.

At the 62nd Annual Grammy Awards on January 26, 2020, Ariana Grande dazzled the audience with her performance. With powerful lyrics like, “I won’t hide underneath your own projections or change my most authentic life,” Ariana is not just entering a new phase in her music career but also in her personal growth.

Ariana’s journey in the spotlight began back in 2008, when she starred as Charlotte in the Broadway musical “13” and later gained popularity with her role as Cat in the Nickelodeon series “Victorious.” Over the past year, she has had to deal with critics and rumors about her looks and relationship with her “Wicked” co-star, Ethan Slater.

Her song lyrics seem to directly address these issues, with lines like “My face is sitting I don’t need no disguise / Don’t comment on my body, do not reply / Your business is yours and mine is mine / Do you care so much whose light I ride.”

The recent release of her music video, which she teased on January 11, further underscores her message of self-empowerment and self-acceptance.

The short video features Grande dancing in front of a group of critics who express their longing for the “old Ari.” After receiving an exclusive invitation from her, the critics gossip about her before being treated to an intimate performance that leaves them amazed.
As they exit, a new group of critics arrives, suggesting that all they need to love Grande again is new music from her. Fans of Grande took to the internet to show their support for the singer’s latest release.
“I always find Ariana Grande’s music relatable and timely. That’s why I am such a big fan,” wrote one fan in the comments on the YouTube video.
“Another amazing song from Ari! The chorus is just fantastic. The lyrics are so inspiring and cool,” another fan expressed.
“The music video is incredible! I love the visuals and the focus on choreography,” commented a user under Grande’s music video.

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